
[ri-surch, ree-surch] 1. noun – diligent and systematic inquiry or investigation into a subject in order to discover or revise facts, theories, applications. 2. verb – to make researches; investigate carefully.

1. study, inquire, examine, scrutinize.


[ verb ree-thingk; noun ree-thingk] verb (used with or without object), re·thought, re·think·ing.

  1. verb

    to reconsider, especially profoundly. …to think again, to question, to reconsider conventions previously accepted.

  2. noun

    the act of reconsidering.


[ verb ree-rahyt; noun ree-rahyt ] verb (used with object), re·wrote, re·writ·ten, re·writ·ing.

  1. verb

    to write in a different form or manner; revise: to rewrite the entire book. 2. to write again. 3. to write (news submitted by a reporter) for inclusion in a newspaper.

  2. noun

    the news story rewritten.

    something written in a different form or manner; revision.


A made up term from “envision”: verb (used with object) to revamp your mental picture of anything, especially that of some future yevent or events. Especially what you do for a living, why you do it (it’s meaning to you) and who you do it for (it’s meaning to others).